
I am Living on Sacred Ground, Connecting the Ancient Wisdoms of the Land with the Sacred Wisdoms of the Heart. This brings Transformation and Healing to  Body, Mind and Spirit. In the current world we live within, we have forgotten our true Health, who we truely are and how to Walk Authentically, Sustainably and with Vital Connection. I invite a new Vitality and Wellbeing through all aspects of Living.  I offer a deep Recalibration of Being through Sacred Alchemy, Holistic Counselling, Spiritual Mentorship and Transformational Bodywork. Life is fundamentally Recalibrated thoughout this Blessing and Beauty Way. Online Mentoring and Transformational Bodywork Sessions  are available depending on your requirements. 

Online zoom sessions are available with me for mentoring or holistic counselling.
1.5hr $250 
(3 Sessions for $600)


 Transformational Bodywork Sessions invites you to Connect into your True Nature and to Connect back to Self and Place. As you are the only Session in the day you are able to drop into whatever Sacred Space you need, and truely follow the Energy as it needs to Move through you. I will be facilitating whatever experience your Soul requires; Physically, Emotionally and Spiritually. You are Nurtured, Nourished, Supported and Connected within a Deep Presence. The Sacred Ground through which we Connect, supports a deeply recalibrating Connection, to Self and your Environment. Sacred Alchemy, Transformational Bodywork, Massage Therapy, Holistic Counselling and Shamanic Journeywork will support you to unplug from your busyness, Restore your Wisdom and Health, and Remember who you are, Alive and Well.
Restoration, Regeneration, Recalibration, Detoxification, Re-Connection,  Sustainability, Healing, Trauma Release, Sacred Beauty, Transformation, Women's Health, Men's Health and Massage Therapy.

 Transformational Bodywork Sessions with me to completely recalibrate yourself Physically, Emotionally and Spiritually. 
  $750 (1/2 day)


These Private Retreat immersions allow you to Deeply Unplug, Recalibrate and Integrate in a fully Held Environment. This is Deep Dive with Luna. These are remarkable BlessingWays to Receive Seasonally in order to Sustain the Best Version of Self within your Life. This is a full Immersion with Luna; Mentoring, Bodywork, Visioning, Transformation, Rest, Deep Nature, Vital Food and Accommodation. 
( Accommodation included)
  $1200 (24hrs)
  *$1800 (36hrs)
  *Recommended if you're flying in


This is a Yearlong Journey into Embodied Connection through Seasonal Immersions and Mentorship with Luna. You LevelJump your Personal, Home, Relational and Business Health through the most Embodied, Sustainable and Liberated State of Being. You become the most efficient and effective Leader and ChangeMaker within your Industry. 
$13 000 per annum/
$3 500 per season/
$1200 per month 
Please call me on 0400 550 268 to book a session.