LUNA Wood is an Artist, Teacher, Mentor and Modern Medicine Woman. With 40 years of experience in Bodywork, Personal Development, Business and Shamanic Practices, Luna has supported hundreds of people who seek emotional and Spiritual Transformation. Luna bridges Worlds, the Seen and the Unseen, the Feminine and the Masculine, Mystic and Digital, Business and Spiritual. Transformational Bodywork, Shamanic JourneyWork, Sacred Women's Business, Ceremony, Business Practice, Rites of Passage Retreats, Art and Meditation are Sacred Wisdoms offered by Luna. She embodies Evolutionary Empowerment through the Sacred Feminine, Directed by the Earth and Her Elementals. This is her Regeneration Song for the New Earth and her Legacy to the future of Gaia.
SACRED ALCHEMY is a dynamic and integrated online Sacred Practice supporting and celebrating Embodiment for this Time by Crafting our New Earth Dreaming through our Place of Belonging. Interfacing Consciousness, Sacred Alchemy, Yoga, Nature, Art and Technology to Inspire and Connect a New State of Belonging, Luna has designed a New Interface of Sacred Connection through her SacredApp. Regenerate your Life, your Love and your BeautyWay. Create your Path of Yumm through the Sacred Alchemy of Ritual, Altars, Prayer, Yoga, Elemental Sacreds and the Divine Feminine. Claim your Belonging, alive and well.

DEEP ECOLOGY invokes a Relational field to Environment, Culture and Social Connection. No one aspect is able to thrive without the other. We explore the entire Ecology of life we are residing within. Regeneration, Sustainability and Elemental Connection is the Vital Space for Empowered Embodiment. It is being with our true Nature within the Heart of Gaia where our Freedom lies. Unplugging from the distractions and disconnection of modern life offers a Remembering of Who You Are and how to Come Back to Life once more. Deep Ecology Sessions and Private Retreats are available on Sacred Ground. Welcome to "Numala" (The Divine Embrace).
LUMINOGAIA is a potent Transformational ShamanicJourney of Embodiment for the New Earth. This deeply Transformative 2 year Sacred Journey is facilitated in a Direct, Kind, Effective and Contemporary Way- the Yin Way. Through your Body, through the Earth and through your BeautyWay, Luna invites you to embrace Radical Self-Responsibility for your Sovereignty within our Planetary Relationship with Gaia. Ceremonies, Ritual, Creativity, Sacred Business and Connected Practice, Welcome a Deeper Connectivity to our Personal Living as we come Home to our True Belonging with Earth. Luna offers a deeply Creative Connection for Sustainable and Embodied Health and Wellbeing.

WOMBLORE welcomes you back to to the Original Feminine and the Power of your Sacred Waters. The Power of Belonging resides within the Health of your Womb, your Heart and the Mystery of your Sacred Blood. The Yoni Matrix, Lunar Wisdom, Path of Yumm and the Blood Mysteries are Sacred Feminine PathWays designed by Luna to Welcome you Home to your Sacred Essence, your WombSpace. Remembering your natural Rhythms and Cycles Connected to the Power of the Moon and the Water Dreaming, supports an Empowered Embodiment of Ancient Archetypes as your BirthRite of Belonging to the Sacred Mysteries of the Divine Feminine. Welcome to your WombHealth, Vitally Alive and Well.
TRANSFORMATIONAL BODYWORK re-calibrates the entire Body; Physically, Emotionally, Mentally and Spiritually. Holistic Counselling, Spiritual Mentoring, Massage Therapy and Light Re-Coding allow the past to become released, creating Space for deep inspiration to Create anew. Refreshed and Revitalised, aligned with HeartSelf and Gaia, a New Earth Dreaming awakens and embodies, vital and well. Life Transforms and Centres anew.
Sessions 1/2 day, FullDay, Overnight. All Sessions and Immersions are Private and Personally Aligned.

SACRED ART OF BEAUTY is an artisanal range of organic products designed and Ritually Alchemised by Luna with a deep Honouring of Connection to the Sacred Wisdom. Sacred Art of Beauty supports Sacredness into their daily Ritual through Sensual Awakening and Connection. Through the exploration of simple everyday Rituals, Sacred Connects the Heart, Activates the Senses, Harmonises the Chakras and Strengthens the Connection with the Ancient Wisdom of Vital SacredBeauty, Gifted from our Divine Earth. We Remember how to TakeCare of our Life.
CHANGEMAKER LEADERSHIP MASTERCLASS is a 13 month MasterClass Program for Business Leaders who wish to Create and Claim the most Sustainable Business Model for their Life-Work Balance. With a dynamic Mentorship Team available to support their Business and Lifestyle needs and choices, we Support the Industry ChangeMakers of our Time. Becoming the Best Version of Vital Embodiment for all levels of Business (with a capital B), Connects a Prosperous and Passionate Flow. Personal, Relational, Environmental and Business Vitality awakens an Inspired Connection throughout the Vital Ecology that is Dynamic Business today.

Sustainability is the most important way in which we can change our living situation on planet Earth. SACRED is Pure and Simple; Deeply Honouring, Full of Beauty, Organic, Sensual and a Sacred Living Experience. SACRED is an Alchemy. Opening an Intimate Connection with the Purest Space within Gaia, Mother Earth, I Welcome in a BlessingWay for Vital Health and Wellbeing.
I choose to Alchemise SACRED because I am unable to find anything pure enough for my personal SelfCare, HomeCare and Vital Connection. All aspects are Honoured in BestPractice with where I find myself at Present. All aspects of this AltarWork is as Connected as possible; Blessed, Honoured, Renewable, Recyclable and Reusable.
I Create each order Personally for your Optimum BlessingWay.
May you be Blessed with this Sacred Beauty Created from my heart to your heart. Enjoy the Love of this Sacred BeautyWay!
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Luna Wood Sacred
By Appointment Only
Stanthorpe Qld